Monday, April 2, 2012

Book Review: Guest Interview

Guest Post/Interview with Tesha ( Tesha's Treasures)
On January 24, 2012, Tesha delivered a stillborn 19 week baby boy, Jonathan Anthony. God has been faithful to help and strengthen her in this time of grief. I asked Tesha if there was a book that is a reference point during this time of grieving and she said, “Hope for a Hopeless Day – Encouragement and Inspiration for When You Need It Most by Jack Hayford.”
Here are her thoughts on the book and answers to my questions.

Jack Hayford relates Jesus’ darkest day to our own dark days in life-whether it be the death of a loved one, illness, or job loss.  Hayford uses the words of Jesus while He is on the Cross of Calvary to demonstrate how we can respond to our own darkest hour(s) in life. Our goal as Christians is to be like Jesus.
 For example, Jesus says these words on the cross and Jack Hayford transforms them into practical advice for us today…
·         "Father, forgive them for they know now what they do."… "We need to forgive those who let us down in our trial."
·         "Assuredly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."…"We need to help others that are in the same situation as us."
·         "Woman behold your son....behold your mother."… "We need to take care of those close to us."
·         "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?"…"Aim your hard questions at God not Man."
·         "I thirst."… "Acknowledge your need for help."
·         "It is finished."… "Be assured there is a purpose and an end."
·         "Into your hands I commit my spirit."… "Give your hopeless day to God."

Questions I asked Tesha:
1.What book has had the most impact on you since you delivered Jonathan stillborn?
I would say Hope for a Hopeless Day. It was the first book I read. I read it the day I delivered him.

2. Who do you think would benefit from reading this book?
Anyone, it is not a baby loss book, but good for any struggle in life. We can all learn from the life of Jesus.

3. Are there a few quotes from the book that stood out to you?
"Aim your hard questions at God not man." He points out how Jesus cried out to God at Calvary and said, “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?” I tend to want people to fix my heart, but only God has the power to do so.

4. What do you think is the author's inspiration for writing this?
Jack Hayford was inspired to write this after his son-in-law died of a brain aneurysm.

5. How did this book help shape your definition of grief?
When I read the book it was at the beginning of my grieving; it helped me through the shock and anger I felt. Hayford’s book reaffirmed that God was walking with me and I was not alone. Jesus is no stranger to suffering. He is my example. I have returned to this book many times to encourage myself. It continues to speak to me and shape me. 

6. How did this book make you feel while reading it?
It gave me hope that Jesus had a hopeless day, also. He made it through it and I will too. I must draw close to God and not run from Him.

7. What wisdom did you glean or can be gleaned from reading this book?
That Jesus is perfect and He set a perfect example for us in how we should live out our darkest days. We can look to his day on Calvary to witness the testimony of how to deal with unspeakable pain.

8. What is something(s) you learned about God or heaven from reading this book?
Jesus taught me on Calvary how I should respond to terrible circumstances. I know Jesus has compassion on my suffering because He has walked through suffering.

 Last thoughts you want to share…

I love this book. Jack Hayford did a wonderful job breaking down the chapters with the words of Jesus and making them life applicable. The book has shown me how to handle tragedy like Jesus did. He was perfect and sinless, and on Calvary he set an example of how to make it through the worst possible day. I have returned to this book many times in my grieving process to remind myself what Jesus did and how I can respond like Him. This book has changed the way I see the final hours of the life of Jesus. Now, when I read the account of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary, I see it as an example for me to follow. 

Thank you, Tesha for sharing your heart and thoughts.
I will continue praying for you!


  1. Hi Kathy! I found you! Thank you for visiting me at Your blog is amazing! I love how the Lord brings people together to encourage each other in His word.

    1. Awesome! Thanks so much for telling me. That is my desire-to be an encourager :)

  2. Love it, you did a wonderful job interviewing. Thank you!
