Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Helpful Tip Tuesday: 7 rules to a good, clean fight

"1. Before we begin we must both agree that the time is right.

 2. We will remember that our only battle aim is a deeper understanding of each other.

 3. We will check our weapons often to be sure they're not deadly.

 4. We will lower our voices instead of raising them.

 5. We will never quarrel in public nor reveal private matters.

 6. We will discuss an armistice whenever either of us calls "halt."

 7. When we have come to terms we will put it away until we both agree it needs more discussing."

~Taken from Letters to Karen by Charlie W. Shedd

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

"If we encounter a man of rare intellect we should ask him what books he reads."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Helpful Tip Tuesday: Journaling

I read this article in "The Old Schoolhouse-The Magazine for Homeschool Families"and loved it. I want to share it with you because I believe that journaling is so important and it gave me some new ideas you might find helpful.

"Journaling: The Power of Personal Stories
Notebook Keeping By Laura Malone

Imagine holding in your hands writings from your grandmother’s journal that chronicle the mountain tops and valleys of her life and how God orchestrated His will through it all. Or imagine reading stories of your mom as a child or tips on how your great-grandmother kept the house tidy when all her children were under the age of 5. Wouldn’t that be a delight? Have you ever thought of the possibility of journaling—not only to develop clarity in your spiritual walk but also as a tool in the molding and training up of your children and even future generations? As a legacy-minded mom you can set realistic goals for when and how you will journal, and your written treasures will be cherished for many years to come.
Several years ago, just the thought of journaling brought on anxiety and frustration for me, because it was always something I wanted to do but felt defeated by. Then one day, while reading the Bible, I began to see the power of personal stories and beautiful examples of people passing them down to future generations, and I realized I could be doing this too. For instance, in Joshua 4:1–9, an account of the time when the whole nation of Israel had finished crossing the Jordan River, the Lord told Joshua to have men collect twelve stones from the river bed where the priests were standing and then place them at their campsite. The stones would serve as a sign for future generations, and when the children asked what the purpose of the stones was, they would be told how the Lord had helped their parents cross the Jordan and enter the Promised Land.
The concept of journaling . . . comes from our Creator.
I also began to understand that the concept of journaling was not a modern idea but one that comes from our Creator. One of the most precious gifts our God has given us is a perfect collection of personal stories that paints pictures of God’s hand working through individuals’ lives. We know this God-inspired collection as the Bible. It has effectively taught and encouraged many generations of Christians, as well as strengthened our faith and given us hope when we have felt alone.

From this perspective, journaling became a natural priority for what I wanted to do in each of my children’s lives, and I decided I would make this work for me—somehow. As the years go by, I’ve become more creative with my journaling ideas and no longer journal solely about my spiritual walk but also include other things I believe will benefit future generations, even things to make them laugh.

Misconceptions about journaling can cripple your motivation and productivity, so I want to share with you the style of journaling that has worked with my busy schedule. First, I create a file for each journal and save it to my desktop, where it’s easily accessible. I keep my laptop on the counter in the kitchen, where I spend most of my time. When we’re in transition mode from breakfast to morning chores or right after I’ve put the baby down for a nap and before I move on to the next activity, I type up a quick paragraph, save it, and move on with my day.
If you prefer to use a paper journal, keep a pen clipped to it and place it in a location where you’re more likely to have your hands free (okay, one hand free), like near the kitchen table so you can write while you eat breakfast or lunch. Or consider leaving it on a TV tray next to the rocking chair so that you can jot something down while you nurse your little one.

Also, I decided that journaling could not be a daily or even a weekly, time-consuming activity and that I would write only when something particularly stood out in my mind. I put no expectations on myself other than to jot down a few sentences. This helps get me to the computer without procrastinating, and once I get started I typically write more than I thought I had time for.
I also keep a notepad beside the bed for the middle-of-the-night whispers from God and then type those notes into my journal the next day. And finally, I make it fun so that I’m more likely to do it. Occasionally, I’ll reward myself with my favorite cup of tea or a Snickers bar while I write. But I can sincerely say the best rewards are the teaching moments and the laughter that ensues as we read from these journals together.

To get you started, here are a few journaling ideas I’ve begun for my family:

Spiritual Heritage Journal 
This is a compilation of personal stories from family members such as your children’s grandparents, aunts and uncles, great-aunts and great-uncles, and even second cousins that documents ways that God has personally worked in their lives. Reading these stories as a teenager or young adult could strengthen your child’s courage and faith and equip him to face the spiritual battles to come. The finished product would make a forever-cherished graduation or wedding gift.

Teaching Journal 
I use this journal for the “Aha!” moments with God during my quiet times. These are special times when God clearly whispers into my heart about something I need to change or something new He has taught me through His Word, through other people, and sometimes through music or poetry. This journal could also be beneficial for your children to read and discuss during their high school years as they’re maturing in their faith and searching for tangible examples of God’s love.
The best rewards are the teaching moments and the laughter that ensues as we read from these journals together.

Parenting/Homemaking Tips Journal 
Let’s face it, not all of us are naturally inclined to having good homemaking skills or confidence in the decisions we sometimes make as parents. I’ve often dreamed of having notes from my mom or one of my grandmothers on how to do things efficiently and properly around the house or how to respond to a particular behavior problem with my children. After being a mom for seven years, I finally feel like I’m figuring some of this out.
So, to help guide my children a little, I decided to start jotting down parenting and homemaking tips that have worked for me. I have categories such as Health, School, Cooking, Kitchen, and Gardening and simply list bullet points under each.

Growing Up Journal 
This is probably my favorite journal. After my oldest was born I decided I would periodically chronicle what was going on in her life. These include journal entries about things she likes, what’s important to her at that time, and funny things she says and does. I’ve since continued to do this for all my children.
Sometimes at bedtime, instead of reading a storybook, I’ll grab a child’s journal and we’ll giggle at the stories until our tummies hurt. I’ve learned that sharing these stories helps them understand themselves a little better, teaches them to laugh at themselves, and shows them how special they are to God and to me.

Journaling, just like stones, can serve as a reminder of the goodness of God in our lives. Let’s challenge ourselves to leave these priceless treasures for our families in hopes of encouraging and inspiring them for the glory of God.
Laura Malone is married to Rusty, a high school football coach, and mom to three beautiful blessings: Grace (7), Mary Ella (5) and Elijah (1), with her fourth child due in September. She loves homeschooling, gardening, sipping jasmine tea, and watching for early-morning cardinals in her backyard. Laura is from Rowlett, Texas, where she also enjoys reading, sewing, and trying new things like writing articles!"

~Taken from Old Schoolhouse Magazine, July Edition

Monday, August 20, 2012

Growing a Healthy Church

God's Garden
In growing a healthy, fruit-bearing church, try this plan:

Plant three rows of squash:
*Squash gossip.
*Squash criticism.
*Squash indifference.

Plant seven rows of peas:

Plant seven heads of lettuce:
*Let us be unselfish and loyal.
*Let us be faithful to duty.
*Let us search the Scriptures.
*Let us not be weary in well-doing.
*Let us be truthful.
*Let us love one another.

~As quoted in The Power of a Woman's Words by Sharon Jaynes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quote from Jim Elliot

"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."

~Jim Elliot

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Helpful Tip Tuesday: How to Begin Setting Financial Goals

"How to Begin Goal Setting [in your finances]

1.  Clear out a one hour block of time in your schedule this week.

2.  Sit down with a blank piece of paper...and ask yourself, "Where do I want to be financially five years from now?"

3.  Write down everything that comes to mind.

4.  After you've brainstormed a bunch of ideas, go back through them and choose three goals.

5.  Write down your three goals.

6.  Break your goals into bit-sized, measurable pieces.

7.  Post your goals in a conspicuous location and review them often.

8.  Reward yourself for a job well done."

~As quoted in The Money Saving Mom's Budget, Ch.1 by Crystal Paine

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quote from David Livingstone

"If a commission by an earthly king is considered a honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?"
~David Livingstone