Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Sunday Search

I really liked an idea that Karen presented in her book Making Sunday Special
She talked about "The Sunday Search". 

"The Sunday Search is a spiritual discipline designed in the form of a game with three rules. We go to church, anticipating, How will Christ speak to me? (rule one) and How will Christ speak through me? (rule two). Then We must talk about it (rule three)."

I love this idea because it encourages all of us in our family to have an expectation to hear from God, to be used of God, and accountability in sharing both of them together as a family. It's so easy to go to church with no expectation that God is going to speak to me personally, or that God would use me to speak into someone else's life. Both of these have to be intentional in our lives and in our parenting. God uses worship, the time of greeting others, the offering, the sermon, the altar call, and the time of fellowshipping afterwards to speak to us. And, He can use us in a variety of ways to "speak" into someone else's life whether that be a compliment, word of encouragement, an act of service or even a hug.

So, early Sunday morning last week I told the kids that this is what we were going to do. They liked the idea. After church, when we were home and had eaten lunch we all met in the boys' room and shared our answers. It was powerful to hear my kids share what they believed God had spoken to them at church and how God used them.  They were just as eager to hear Josh and I share our answers.

I love this game and will continue to do it with my kids. It teaches them that God will speak to them at church and that they play a vital role as church members, too.

Be expectant as you look to see how God will speak to you and an opportunity to speak into someone else's life!

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