"Alphabetical Guide for Christians...
A-ttend church faithfully.
B-e careful in all things.
C-onsider well; then decide positively.
D-o right; fear to do wrong.
E-ndure hardships with calmness.
F-orsake not your family.
G-o no place that will ruin character.
H-ate no one. Do good to everyone.
I-gnore no one; practice hospitality.
J-oin hands with the righteous.
K-eep your mind pure.
L-ie not for any consideration.
M-inister unto the needy.
O-ppose things that are evil.
P-ay your debts promptly.
Q-uestion not the honesty of a friend.
S-acrifice money rather than principle.
T-hink before you speak.
U-se your time wisely.
W-atch your temper.
X-ray your thoughts before speaking.
Y-ield not to discouragements.
Z-ealousy labor for the right, and spiritual success is certain."
~Joe Maynard