Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie OMartian

The main point of this book is that prayer is powerful. What is prayer? Prayer is talking to God from your heart-being honest, open, and humble in your own words you speak to Him. Prayer is not something formal, it's casual. It's sharing your heart with God. One of the many amazing things about God is that He always delights to hear us talk to Him.
Stormie says in the beginning of her book that prayer is “relying on God’s power to transform you, your husband, your circumstances, and your marriage.” The greatest thing I can do as a wife is pray for myself and my husband. Stormie clearly lays out a plan for praying for 30 specific areas (first one being you the wife) to pray for.  When I first saw the book, I thought wow there are so many areas I can pray for my husband that I never thought about. Thankfully, I have been enlightened!
Stormie sets about to pray for one specific area per chapter, but first starts out each chapter by talking about a personal story or example or words of wisdom from the Bible that God has shown her about that area.
Here’s a list of specific areas Stormie addresses:

1.       His Wife
2.       His Work
3.       His Finances
4.       His Sexuality
5.       His Affection
6.       His Temptations
7.       His Mind
8.       His Fears
9.       His Purpose
10.    His Choices
11.    His Health
12.    His Protection
13.    His Trials
14.    His Integrity
15.    His Reputation
16.    His Priorities
17.    His Relationships
18.    His Fatherhood
19.    His Past
20.    His Attitude
21.    His Marriage
22.    His Emotions
23.    His Walk
24.    His Talk
25.    His Repentance
26.    His Deliverance
27.    His Obedience
28.    His Self-Image
29.    His Faith
30.    His Future

I personally wanted to continue to pray for these areas for my husband, so I typed them out and made it into a bookmark in my Bible. So, when I would spend my time with God reading and praying, I would see the list and continue to go through it praying one each day.
Also, I didn’t feel I had to word my prayers exactly as Stormie did verbatim when praying for my husband, but I’m thankful she offers that in her book as a launching pad for my own prayers. It’s not about saying a specific prayer over and over again exactly the same way. It’s about having a right heart about what I’m praying for and trusting God to move in those areas.
A wise word someone shared with me going along with this is, “Don’t pray for others what you cannot pray for yourself!” i.e. Deliver them from pride…I must be willing to pray that for myself.
Stormie is very encouraging when she says, “There is a time to speak and a time not to speak, and happy is the man whose wife can discern between the two.” Sometimes it’s better to be quiet and pray about it!
Happy Praying!

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